EMDR Therapy: An Effective Alternative to Traditional Talk Therapy

What the hell is EMDR Therapy? 

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an innovative approach to treating trauma and mental health issues. As a licensed therapist in Maryland, I specialize in this modality and seen the transformative power of this approach, offering a promising alternative to traditional talk therapy.


But, enough about me. Back to what you are here for.


EMDR therapy, developed by Francine Shapiro, helps individuals process and integrate traumatic memories through guided eye movements or other bilateral stimulation. This method reduces the emotional charge associated with traumatic memories, promoting peace and well-being.


How EMDR Therapy Works

 EMDR therapy involves eight phases:

1. History Taking: Gathering detailed information and identifying traumatic memories.

2. Preparation: Explaining the EMDR process to ensure the client feels safe. Also, collaborating with clients on developing resources and coping strategies to help navigate emotional intense moments during the process.

3. Assessment: Identifying the target memory and associated negative beliefs.

4. Desensitization: Using bilateral stimulation to reprocess the memory.

5. Installation: Strengthening positive beliefs and feelings.

6. Body Scan: Releasing remaining physical tension related to trauma.

7. Closure: Ensuring the client feels stable.

8. Reevaluation: Assessing progress and determining if more sessions are needed.


This is a pretty brief description of theses phases. For more in-depth information about EMDR, please visit EMDRIA.ORG


Benefits of EMDR Therapy

1. Rapid Relief

EMDR often provides quicker symptom relief compared to traditional talk therapy, with significant improvements seen after a few sessions.


2. Holistic Healing

EMDR addresses emotional, cognitive, and physical aspects of trauma, promoting comprehensive healing.


3. Reduced Re-traumatization

EMDR minimizes re-traumatization by focusing on bilateral stimulation rather than extensive verbal recounting.

4. Versatility

EMDR is effective for various issues, including PTSD, anxiety, depression, and phobias.

5. You can have EMDR sessions VIRTUALLY !


EMDR Therapy in Maryland: A Path to Healing

 As a licensed therapist in Bowie, Maryland, I’m dedicated to helping clients through EMDR therapy. Whether dealing with abandonment trauma, anxiety, or other mental health challenges, EMDR can provide the healing you deserve.